Posted on 12/17/2020

With the onset of snow, ice and sleet that comes as the winter months set in, driving becomes a lot more hazardous. The temperature drops, it might be harder to see and the roads may be slippier than usual so all of a sudden, the chances of being involved in an accident or getting stranded are much higher. You need to be prepared. This guide can be used as a checklist for things to include in your winter emergency car kit to keep you and any passengers safe in these colder months. Prevent Emergency Windshield scraper and de-icer: It's common for ice and snow to accumulate on your car and this can seriously affect your vision. A scraper and de-icer solution will make sure you can always see the road clearly. Jump cables: Car batteries don't like cold. In fact, they lose around 60% of their strength when the temperature drops to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Sunglasses: While this may seem a strange thing to inc ... read more