Posted on 1/21/2021

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for winter driving is to "winterize" your vehicle. This means getting your car ready for braving the elements that can include freezing temperatures, blizzards, sleet, and snow. In this article, we provide a few tips and tricks on winterizing your vehicle and preparing your car to stay safe on the roads this winter. Tip #1. Make sure your heating and defrosting systems are ready to take on colder temperatures. Check the levels for critical fluids like transmission fluid, radiator fluid, antifreeze, to keep your heating system running throughout the winter season. Tip #2. Keep at least a half tank of gas during the winter months. Car repair experts recommend keeping at least a half tank of gas in your car to prevent gas tank-related issues. Tip #3. Reduce your speed limit while driving in the winter months to allow additional stopping time on icy or snow ... read more