Posted on 6/30/2021

Your hazard lights, or blinkers, should be one of the most minor used features of your car because it is designed only to be used in case of emergencies. Though your lights are a good form of communication to others on the road, there are right and wrong times to use them. Some laws state when you should use them too, and they vary from state to state. We will go over the instances of when you should and shouldn't use your blinkers. When to Use Your Hazard Lights Getting pulled over. If you see the red and blue flashing lights creeping up on you, turn on your hazard lights to show the police officer that you acknowledge their request. Then, slow down, turn on your hazard lights, and remain seated. Your car breaks down, and you're waiting for a tow. Whenever your car breaks down, always remember to use your hazard lights to signal to other vehicles that you need to get to the road shoulder. This warning to other drivers will allow them to get safely ar ... read more