Posted on 3/17/2021
Buying a car is fun, exciting, and a big responsibility, all in one. With cars come much freedom and independence as well as a healthy dose of hassle. You must carry liability insurance coverage, keep up with tags and registration, and the high cost of gas. Plus, you are expected to have routine maintenance performed at regular intervals, along with factory-recommended maintenance. Every factory has a list of specific guidelines for recommended maintenance and when it should be performed. Oil changes are recommended every 3,000 miles, or once every three months, along with having your filter replaced. At 30,000 miles, it is highly suggested that you go for an engine air filter change, along with getting your tires rotated to prevent too much wear and tear on their tread. There are three good reasons to keep up with factory-recommended maintenance. One is that it can help improve your mileage. This is especially true for oil changes and tire rotations, as both are equally helpful in m ... read more