Now that November is near its end, we all have Christmas to look forward to. You may be looking at buying a real Christmas tree this year, but the number one concern that most people have is transporting the tree to their homes. If you are contemplating this purchase, go right ahead. Transporting it is not as tough or dangerous as it looks as long as you follow some of the key tips.
Tip #1: Choose the Right Kind of Car
Typically, we recommend using a vehicle with a roof rack. A bigger automobile like an SUV or truck is best for a means of safe transport.
Tip #2: Bring Supplies
There are several items that you’ll need to secure the tree. First off, you should bring a tarp or blanket to lay the tree on. This will prevent scratches and other kinds of damage to your car. Additionally, you will need rope, straps, or some kind of cord to secure the tree.
Tip #3: Wrap the Tree
You must wrap the tree in netting before you put it on your car. Then spread the tarp or blank on the roof of your vehicle. The tree trunk should be facing the front of your car. If the tree extends beyond your bumper, we recommend adding a reflective flag to your vehicle to alert other drivers.
Tip #4: Tie the Tree Down
You should remember to get as much of the tree as possible, including the top, center, and bottom. It is better to go overboard than not to get enough area covered. Before driving off the lot, make sure you give it a good tug to see if there’s any movement. It should be snug at this point! Furthermore, check to see if you still have a clear view of your rearview mirror.
You should be all set after following the tips above. We hope you transport your Christmas tree safely and free from any car damage. From the team at Kamphaus Auto Care, enjoy the holidays! For all your automotive needs, please call or visit our auto repair shop soon.