Aside from being the proverbial life blood of your engine, there is more to an oil change than just oil. Oil changes done by certified automotive technicians are accompanied by a vehicle inspection. Periodic vehicle inspections keep minor problems from becoming major disasters.
When you go to the gas station, how many people do you see with the hood up? Back in the day, people pulling up to a service station to get fuel would be bombarded with a small army of attendants checking oil, transmission fluid, air pressure in tire, coolant level etc. In todays instant gratification powered world, no one is taking the time to look at any of the critical components that need to be checked on a regular basis. Fast is not always the right answer. I am not trying to pick on quickie oil change places, but how much really gets checked in ten minutes?
A good oil change should take about 45 minutes. All the systems of the car should be looked over and all fluids should be topped off and the air pressure in the tires set. An inspection procedure should be followed so that nothing is missed, and the report can be understood by you. Make sure that the correct weight and grade of oil is being put in your vehicle. It is not just as simple as 5w30, 10w30 or 10w40 anymore.
If you are unsure if any items get checked during your usual oil change, might be time to find a new one. At Kamphaus Auto Care, our ASE Certified Technicians are the ones responsible for your oil change service. We check all the systems, top off the fluids and give you a digital inspection that you can understand about the condition of your car. We take the time to explain it to you and are happy to answer any questions you have.
Even if you choose not to have any further work done based on the recommendations we make for you, at least you know what’s going on under your hood. If we don’t tell you, who will?